Today was a monumental day at JSA. We are so honored to have hosted the Red Coats Committee of THE PLAYERS Championship this morning! The Red Coats are a committee of past tournament chairpersons who serve on THE PLAYERS’ volunteer leadership team. When not involved in THE PLAYERS Championship, the Red Coats are approving grants for charities in the NE FLorida Community.
JSA has been chosen from over 100+ applicants to be this year’s recipient of a $10,000 charitable grant. What an amazing opportunity to have this incredible group visit our campus and give their time, talents and treasures. The timing of this opportunity could not have been any better as we are currently in a growth & building phase at JSA, from the classrooms to our infrastructure, doing our very best to grow and keep up with our adult students.
We are preparing the gardening program for the next phases, which is establishing an agro-business model to support our students as they begin aging out of the more academic services we provide and ideally into systems that can offer a form of structure and sustainability as they enter into their adult years.
Needless to say this grant from the Red Coats will be instrumental in furthering our mission. We are completely blown away by the kindness and generosity of the Red Coats and could not be more thankful to have their support and hearts! From all of us here at JSA, THANK YOU! #jsakids #theplayerschampionship #communitysupport #autisminaction
Shout out to Action News Jax for covering this special occassion! Check out the story below!…/GEWYB44W6ZAZ3DLEHKDNVX…/