Art Across the Spectrum: Showcasing Talent…


UF Health Jacksonville Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics, in collaboration with the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities, proudly partnered with the Jacksonville Airport to present Art Across the Spectrum: Exhibition of Self-Expression.

This inspiring initiative celebrates the unique perspectives and exceptional talents of artists with autism, aiming to foster greater understanding and appreciation of their contributions to the art world.

This past Saturday, the STEP students from Jacksonville School for Autism had the honor of showcasing their remarkable artwork in the Skyway Gallery, sharing their creativity and stories with the community. Congratulations to the following students:

Aden H.
Colton B.
Antonio G.
Nick D.
Alex F.
Maddie G.
Benjamin T.
Tyler D.
Kate C.
Cole W.

Thank you to all the families and staff who came out to support our students in this very special event! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredibly talented Shereece Geanmers, Director of Transition and Postgraduate Programs, for her unwavering dedication to encouraging our students to push boundaries and express their creativity in such meaningful ways.

The exhibit will be up until March, so if you are heading out or in to the airport, stop by! The Sky Gallery is on the second floor of the airport before TSA Check. As you are approaching TSA, you will see Southern Grounds to the left. The galleries are next to Southern Grounds.