Thank You Aquaponics Volunteers!

It is with an overflowing heart, full of excitement and gratitude that we take time to honor and recognize the handful of companies, teams & individuals that spent an entire Friday helping JSA accomplish our mission in providing a thriving on-campus enterprise around our garden enrichment therapy program.

We are amazed and incredibly grateful at the support and generosity from so many within our community who worked tirelessly assembling our very own aquaponics greenhouse facility, which will be the heart and life blood of an agro-enterprise to support and provide our students with an infrastructure that maintains their quality of life, creating real jobs and opportunities for meaningful work as well as desperately needed resources. The incredible hard work that was accomplished will have such a tremendous impact on our students, allowing their current gardening therapy sessions to blend seamlessly into a vocational model, providing them with tangible opportunities and sustainable employment.

Please help us to celebrate and recognize Angela TenBroeck, owner and operator of Worldwide Aquaponics, who led and coordinated the days efforts. Behind her expertise, was Jason Brooks owner and principal at Architectural Classics along with his team of consummate professionals directed by, Todd Lorant & Glenn Parsons. Several local team members from Gilbane Building Company including Sr. Project Manager Bryan Puckett and Kayla Lakatos. The many helping hands at Superior Construction, project manager David Blair & Tiffany Giles. Providing essential support through the use of their equipment was David Brock with Sunbelt Rentals & Jason Tyner with Register Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. Also present were members from the Rotary Club of Jacksonville.

We must extend our heartfelt thanks to Mark Dunham, a founding parent of JSA, who tirelessly donates countless hours to ensure the success of our school, whether it be putting together furniture, helping in the garden, late night runs to check in on the campus, Mark does it all and we are truly grateful to him!

Last but certainly not least, we thank Coleman Young, JSA Board of Directors, for his dedication and support of JSA over the years! Also shout out to Jason Hiers and Martha Johnston.

Thank you from all of us at JSA for your heart and compassion spending your time helping our mission and students. Without the generosity from local heroes like you, we would not be able to do what we do.